My belief is that one is capable of seeing signs and symbols from the Divine in everyday life. Based on archetypes past on through generations, civilizations eras and ages from the Collective Unconscious, there exists an identification of energy and alignment in animal symbolism. I have been studying totems for a little over two years and am happy to share what I have learned with anyone willing to listen.
I simply find it beautiful to recognize that we are connected to each other and nature, and as such to Source and Spirit, and if we are so inclined, we can decipher the messages sent to us daily in waking life or in the Dreamtime, from something as simple as an ant or as unexpected as a visit by an owl.

Explaining each direction requires an entire note on itself (which I will write) but for now one can regard each direction as symbolizing an aspect of one's life and journey, as well as, characteristics of the personality. For Native Americans the directions fall on the Medicine Wheel of life, which teaches the different stages of life an individual must face, being born in the East like the Sun, with life setting in the West, but transforming in the North to return to the Great Spirit. (Directions also tie into the Sacred Elements; Earth, Air, Fire, Water - but will save that for another time.)
Based on knowledge of Scared Geometry, all the directions form the shape called the Merkabah which is a profound shape believed to contain the energy body of the individual, ie the soul. "Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Bah" means Body. We really are just skimming the surface here but let that simmer for now....back to totems.
How to find your Power Animals?
Usually, these Totems take the form of your favorite animals. Also they maybe animals that you have reoccurring dreams about, animals that you fear or even an animal that seems to always find its way into your life or home. Could be something as exotic as a Tiger, simple as an Ant or gross as a Lizard or cockroach (depends on what you find gross).
If one is aware of their Power Animals, then they are able to easily identify various Messenger Totems. These are animals that appear in your life for a moment or for a time period. They may appear in a dream to bring you a message, or you may suddenly be more attuned to coming across the image of a particular animal in material you read or see, or you may even see the creature in waking life. These animals bring a message that is to be heard, and appear only when it is necessary.
Then you have Shadow Totems, these are animals that persons have a fear for or even phobia towards. These spirit guides represent the archetype of a specific type of energy which you are ignoring towards your own personal development. They represent aspects of yourself which you have denied and also fear.
How to get to know your Power Animals and their messages?
Meditation is a great start, but it's usually not so easy for a first timer. The easiest method is to simply begin to research your animal's way of life, its habits, skills. How it hunts, is it more active at night, is it a loner? Does your favorite animal hibernate or have a shell? Does it transform and go through cycles like the Butterfly or Frog? As mentioned before our concepts that we have grown to know from our youth are a result of these archetypal energies being passed on through the ages. Each animal has a lesson to teach; the owl teaches wisdom and seeing into the depths, the spider is the weaver of words and expression, the ant is a teamworker and is willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good.
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