Friday, July 8, 2011

Where did God go?

“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.” 
– Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

With all the recent ‘rapture’ excitement, one’s thoughts leaned closely to God. Whether in jest or in seriousness, many conversations happened in regards to faith, prayer and salvation. God went viral for the first time in a long time, trending, hashtaged and being ‘Liked’ on various social media. It tickles me pink to think that He or She was delighted and possibly postponed original plans, if any at all, because ‘it was nice to be thought of once again’.
One night recently the moon was exceptionally beautiful, possibly because my usual private moment of personal reflection and prayer while staring at the night sky hadn’t happened in awhile (guiltily admitted). As I stared at the sky I heard myself say words which have resonated within me for the past few weeks; “I miss God, I miss You!”
My prayers/conversations are a little unconventional (to say the least); God and I have what I like to call ‘holy telephone conversations’ which are often one-way (to say they are two-way would possibly lead to diagnosis and medication in modern times). BUT unfortunately I hadn’t picked up the line in awhile and in that moment as the moon stared back, I felt guilty for succumbing to the matrix.
“I miss God,” suggested that God went somewhere, when in fact I was the one who walked away from my ‘holy telephone’, too busy or too caught up for simple reflection. I have become what I most feared, another drone of society ‘plugged in’. Having a job (not this…this is a joy not a job) which demands so much has allowed me to make the excuse of being too drained to talk with God, and in this case, when I say God, I mean myself.
The concept of God transforms across culture, faith and denomination. Most sociologists would agree also that the archetype of God is a direct or indirect reflection of what an individual, society or group deems as the ideal of authority.
Is it too far gone to then suggest that the Ultimate Authority/God is a reflection of us? That God exists within us, that God has never gone away, but that we have walked away from Him/Her and indeed walked away from ourselves?
A sense of spirituality is not bound by religion or denomination. Having spirituality is not correlated to one’s concept of God. One could go to a church, mosque or temple religiously (pun intended) and possess no faith or spirituality.
As we step away further from God and closer to our cars, smart-phones, laptops, greater workload, carpools, traffic, playlists, play-dates vitamins, Friday night out with friends, ask yourself — what is the purpose of it all? Where are we going? Where did God go?

As published by Ocean Style Magazine:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Independent Woman....Skewed Perception or Truth!

I hope to not disappoint, as chances are the person reading this is a woman aspiring for the above title, while men possibly saw the headline for the post and with eyes glazed over rolled them in despair thinking "another one" shaking his head.

The sad truth.......what we think entails being a strong independent woman is often far skewed by our own misguided perceptions and justifications for plain old DUMBASS behaviour.

I will be honest....I'm not going to say that I have never suffered from the Aspiring 'Independent' Woman syndrome.....thinking to myself I was strong, embracing the word 'bitch' depending on context and thinking to myself that the world understood what I meant and what I wanted from life.


We like to think as women that when we present ourselves as “liberated” females, often with a strong sense of self and our own sexuality we present the ideal strong and independent woman….but first ask yourself what independence means. What liberated means? What sexuality means?

Some women tend to follow the same modus operandi particularly after a break up, almost as if it were written in a specific handbook. We will lock ourselves away for an indefinite amount of time, and then emerge as the liberated and flirtatious butterfly, sure of herself and who she is……HELL FREAKING NO!!!

We would like to believe that! We will often cut our hair, an unconscious symbol of relinquishing the past and its hurt, while looking for new growth (a projection of ourselves to the world). Often times some women will either take the celibate route, or one that is not so virtuous, stating that they are liberated women free to do as she likes and justifying it by reaffirming the sad debate of the rights of women versus men and the freedoms of each sex based on what society says is right and wrong, in other words having LOTS of sex.

Women in this position will often feel that either on-looking men respect her for her independence, are drawn to her by her personality of liberation, believe she is a risk taker and more like “one of the boys” , that she knows what she wants and how she wants it.


Not so…..these men laugh at the sidelines watching the show of women each night, in each club, in the line at the bank, in the supermarket, as she aims to present this façade and they…………….LAUGH! Maybe not aloud, or possibly with a single chuckle, but here is what they do know, they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this woman who has presented herself as the strong, sexy, independent type is the easiest to get in the sack. “Why not let her simply believe this…..I get what I want……she gets what she wants” (the belief of control).

Men understand us far better than we are willing to understand ourselves…..and I say this openly I have been one of those women, on a few occasions and it has taken me some time to realize that independence is a myth!

As humans, we live for attachment and crave and need it just as though it were a drug. In fact, it is a natural drug….the hormone Oxytocin, also known as the Love hormone is released in our systems each time we hug, kiss and orgasm. It is released after birth in mothers and between lovers each time there is sexual activity resulting in orgasm. This natural chemical creates the feeling of attachment and the bond that we seek to crave with a simple hug. The hormone also simply makes us feel good, happy and content even for the moment.

What I now present is an unfortunate truth…..the sexually liberated female is simply a slut.

Here’s why… much as we would like to state that times are changing, that women should have the ability to do exactly what men do….the truth is this…times haven’t changed that much and really women should not be doing exactly what men do. WHY?? Because wrong is wrong on either side of the fence.

The world is not fair! Chances are it NEVER will be! We live in a world of cycles, where one strives for balance their entire life, Abraham Maslow’s Self Actualization, never finding it until they are dead.

The media has a great part to play in this cycle of the Aspiring Independent Woman Syndrome, as artists and actresses search for themselves in the limelight, sharing the heartache and the pain that they must go through by elaborate shows of sexuality. Examples???? Madonna, Janet Jackson, Rihanna.

The point to all of this is that it is only one step on the journey of self discovery for a woman. A woman cannot and should not feel that this is who they are and will be for the rest of their lives……why? Simple, because she will be! Without any chance for growth, she will progress through life believing she is liberated when in fact she herself has chained her hopes, her belief in her potential, and her belief in love.

The journey is fun…….and we must appreciate each phase of life as just that, a phase! We must move on and let go and not blame others, men or the world for what we have done to ourselves.

We would like to be respected as women, as equals in the work place, in the bed room etc……ACT like it!! Because in equality there is difference, just as yin is to yang.

In not accepting each stage of life as a stepping stone, we neglect to respect ourselves and put ourselves in a labeled box of “independence” that the rest of the world labels as either slut or bitch.

 I will be the first to say that I have been both, but key word being been! It takes guts to look back on your life and realize the mistakes you have made but to say you don’t regret them, for no other reason than it made you who you wanted to be; an independent woman of thought, who is dependent on her family and husband for the support she needs, who needs reassurance every now and again (mostly for a week’s stretch once a month), and who appreciates every slutty and bitchy moment I lived through to become the person I can look in the mirror proudly and say “Nice to meet you!”.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lets Play a Game: The Ethics of Correct Finger Pointing

STEP 1: Blame Someone

STEP 2:  Waste Valuable Time "wisely"

 STEP 3: (Optional) Fix the Problem

Thus ends this lesson!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Why Worry.......

How often have you felt the butterflies in your stomach.... a feeling resembling indigestion, hunger, constipation, a little bit of gas and impending diarrhea all at once?

You wake in the night from sound sleep, fully alert. You feel energized enough to run laps around the regular morning joggers, but are wise enough to just lay there in the dark.....

Your focus is are capable of still functioning well at your job, but if left idle for a minute your mind wonders.

 The worst thing that can happen at this point is to have nothing to do.You would love to sit idly any other day at your computer, aimlessly searching google from your 'search list' (fellow nerds can identify). However instead of being given your regular work load, there is a sudden and unusual ease, which you would plead for any other day. Here at this point, in which your mind wonders into the labyrinth of your worrydom, you would be ready to search the office like a crack head for something to do! "Want me to write that letter for you? Want me to file that for you? Want me to count your paper clips?"

I am at that point now.....

Anyone can identify with this experience......the question is do I say why I am worried?

Supposedly 40% of the things we worry about never happen......we can only hope that what we are worrying about at the time will fall in that percentage.

Telling someone not to mostly a comfort to the 'teller' and not the recipent!

You might as well tell me to fuck off!!

Not many people are willing to genuinely give a listening ear anymore....we are far more concerned with what is happening in our own worlds to not give a damn about another person's.

Only if you can identify with an exact situation, could you really have the audacity to say "Don't Worry" otherwise, shut the hell up!

Now the issue at hand for the worrier is to remember  that each person is different, and each situation unique. We must be mindful, that truly at times someone just doesn't know what to say, and by sticking a "Dont Worry" bandaid on the situation and walking away is just safer for most people.

Likewise we must remember that what worries you, may be a grill cheese sandwich to another person....and that each person deals with things differently.

Perception is a bitch!

So its probably safer to just keep things to myself for awhile and only speak up if it becomes a problem. I'm only human, and its impossible to not worry, but what I can do is hang in there till the worry becomes and issue (which is hopefully never....or at least not for now)

SHIT it sucks being a realist!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

All Grown Up......

Now there comes a point every now and again in an adult's life, when you step back and look introspectively at yourself.

Time seems to freeze frame for a minute, the room quietens and your vision becomes clearer, colours brighter and sounds louder. You feel your chest raising with each breath and your heart pumping in your chest, this organic mechanism that forces life through your veins.......then you say....FUCK I'm getting old!

What happened to the your desire to be older?

I recall adding a number to my age each year.....umm but now....I'm quite content at leaving it at the current age.

If I had a choice to revisit a part of my life, I would choose me at 4 years old. When the world was an ultimate wonder and there was NOTHING to worry about! The most work I did was to learn the alphabet, write my name and colour within the lines (which I was really good at by the way).

We hurry to this point of responsibility.... not noticing and embracing the actual journey. I have intentionally slowed things down to smell the roses as it were.

I'm happy being a BIG kid now.....All Grown Up.....HELL NO!!!